Adj. damaging, heating, hydrogen
A second problem concerns the damaging effect of stress ranges below the constant amplitude fatigue limit. (W 341) (1)
Damaging effect = Efeito prejudicial
The heating effect of the ultrasound varies with the degree of crystallinity of the material being welded. (W 383) (2)
Heating effect = Efeito por aquecimento
The hydrogen effect is sensitive to any stress concentration. (W 94) (3)
Hydrogen effect = Efeito por hidrogênio
(1) Review of fatigue assessment procedures for welded aluminium structures
S J Maddox, TWI Ltd
Paper published in International Journal of Fatigue, Paper JIJF1005. vol. 25, no. 12, December 2003, pp.1359-1378 -available here.
(2) Welding technologies for polymers and composites
A L Buxton
Polymer Technology Group, TWI Ltd
Paper presented at the I Mech E seminar, ‘The Joining of Plastics and Polymer Composite Materials’, held on 24 October 2002 at TWI and published in The Joining of Plastics and Polymer Composite Materials.
(3) Review of the effect of hydrogen gas on fatigue performance of steels
Yan Hui Zhang
Structural Integrity Technology Group
Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom.
Paper presented at 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2010), Shanghai, China, 6-11 June 2010.
Adj. reference, (non) consumable, (saturated) calomel
A standard three electrode set up was used for the PCM tests, consisting of a working (test) electrode, platinized titanium counter electrode and a reference electrode. (W 57) (1)
Reference electrode = Eletrodo referencial
GTA welding with active fluxes – gas Tungsten Arc (GTA) welding is a widely used welding process by which an arc is struck between a non-consumable electrode and the work-piece creating the heat to make the joint. (W 406) (2)
(Non) consumable electrode = Eletrodo (não) consumível
The reference electrode was a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), located outside the vessel, connected to the vessel electrolyte by a salt bridge. The auxiliary electrode was a piece of platinum wire. (W 155) (3)
(Saturated) calomel electrode = Eletrodo (saturado) de calomelano
(1) Corrosion Testing of Weldable 13%Cr Supermartensitic Stainless Steel for Weld Procedure
Chi-Ming Lee and Stuart Bond
Per Egil Kvaale
Technip Norge AS
Rolf E. Lye and Stig Lyder Støme
Lundin Norway AS
Presented at CORROSION 2012 Conference, NACE International, March 11-15, 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
(2) Novel joining techniques for repair in the power generation industry
D. Howse , W. Lucas and W. Thomas
Paper presented at EPRI Welding and Repair Technology for Power Plants Conference, Point Clear, Alabama, USA, 26 – 28 June 2002.
(3) Corrosion fatigue of steel catenary risers in sweet production
Richard Pargeter, David Baxter and Briony Holmes
Paper presented OMAE 2008 27th international Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Estoril, Portugal, 15 – 20 June 2008. OMAE2008-57075.
Adj. hydrogen, temper, strain-ageing
….If a crack exists in the material subjected to service loading, hydrogen will accumulate in the plastic zone at the crack tip due to locally enhanced solubility, thus enhancing the hydrogen embrittlement. (W 19) (1)
Hydrogen embrittlement = Fragilidade devido à ação do hidrogênio
Generations of hydro-processing technology have lead to advances in reactor design and fabrication: 1960s – Migration from cold wall to hot-wall Cr-Mo alloys.1970s – Toughness requirements introduced for temper embrittlement. 1980s – Steel composition control reduces temper embrittlement susceptibility. 1990s – Acute composition controls try to eliminate temper embrittlement. (W 308) (2)
Temper embrittlement = Fragilidade devido à temperagem
Examination of the fracture faces revealed that the failure initiated at a partially repaired crack in a vertical weld in the bottom shell course. The surfaces of the crack were blackened indicating that the crack had gone through a heating cycle due to a nearby welding operation. Subsequent studies indicated that the probable cause of failure was the presence of very low toughness material in the region of the initiating defects. These regions of low toughness would have resulted from dynamic strain-ageing embrittlement at the tip of the flaws during repair welding (or subsequent heat cycling). (Welding 190) (3)
Strain-ageing embrittlemnt = Fragilidade devido ao envelhecimento da deformação
(1) Techniques for determining the effect of a sour environment on fracture toughness of steel
Muhammad Ali and Richard Pargeter
TWI LTd, Granta Park Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Paper Presented at Steely Hydrogen. 2nd International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen. 5-7 May 2014., Gent, Belgium.
(2 Hydroprocessing reactor integrity: The basics
Brian Cane 1 and Julian Speck 2
1 Brian Cane ( brian.cane@twi.co.uk) is responsible for TWI’s services to process and power industry members.
2 Julian Speck ( julian.speck@twi.co.uk) is TWI’s structural integrity technology group manager, responsible for FFS and RBI activities.
Paper published in Inspectioneering Journal, November 2004.
(3) Fawley crude oil storage tank
Case Study
www.twi-global.com/news-events/case-studies/fawley-crude-oil-storage-tank-186/ – 2013-05-29.
Adj. (low-high)arc, sound, impact
The energy consumption from the arc can be reduced if the wire can be fed into the arc region at a higher temperature. That means the arc energy can be used elsewhere, for example for increasing the parent metal melting. (W 81) (1)
Arc energy = Energia de arco
The fundamental theory underlying the algorithms of focal law calculators to focus the sound energy from an array is to ensure that the wave fronts from each element arrive at the target position at the same time (assuming velocity is constant) and in the correct phase to constructively generate a maximum in sound pressure. (W 102) (2)
Sound energy = Energia sonora
The figures compare experimental and simulated results for the load/displacement and load/local strain relationships. The simulated stiffness values of the panels are well predicted, along with the failure loads, which are all within 10% of the average experimental results for each impact energy. (W 11) (3)
Impact energy = Energia de impacto
(1) CRA Weld Overlay – Influence of welding process and parameters on dilution and corrosion resistance
Paper presented at Stainless Steel World America 2010, Houston, Texas, USA, 5-7 October 2010.
V Kumar, C Lee, G Verhaeghe, S Raghunathan,
TWI Limited, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom.
(2) Microstructural quantification, modeling and array ultrasonics to improve the inspection of austenitic welds
Channa Nageswaran and Capucine Carpentier
Yau Yau Tse
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK, B15 2TT
Paper published in Insight vol.51. no.12. Dec. 2009, pp. 600-660.
(3) Relating NDT Data To Mechanical Performance Loss In Impact-Damaged Composites
Daniel Aylett and Ian Cooper
TWI Technology Centre (Wales) Port Talbot, SA13 1SB, UK
J C Arnold
College of Engineering, Swansea University Single Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK
Paper presented at BINDT NDT 2014, 53rd Annual conference.
Adj. sour, hydrogen, corrosive
Hydrogen absorbed from sour environments adversely affects the fracture toughness of steel. (W 19) (1)
Sour environment = Ambiente com acidez
To develop hydrogen energy, it is important to understand the effects of hydrogen on mechanical properties in all applications – production, transportation, storage and fuel cells. Although a considerable amount of work has been carried out on hydrogen related embrittlement, there is comparatively less work on the effect of a hydrogen environment on fatigue performance of steels. (W 94) (2)
Hydrogen environment = Ambiente com hidrogênio
Corrosion fatigue qualification testing is usually a two-stage process involving full-scale resonance fatigue testing to demonstrate the required performance in air, and strip fatigue testing both in air and in a corrosive environment to determine a fatigue life reduction factor that is then applied to the base design curve. (W 103) (3)
Corrosive environment = Ambiente corrosivo
(1) Techniques for determining the effect of a sour environment on fracture toughness of steel
Muhammad Ali and Richard Pargeter
TWI LTd, Granta Park Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Paper Presented at Steely Hydrogen. 2nd International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen. 5-7 May 2014., Gent, Belgium.
(2) Review of the effect of hydrogen gas on fatigue performance of steels
Yan Hui Zhang
Structural Integrity Technology Group
Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom
Paper presented at 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2010), Shanghai, China, 6-11 June 2010.
(3) Fatigue performance of riser girth welds for deep-water applications
by Amir Bahrami
Paper presented at Deep Water Technology Conference, Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Asia, 26-27 Oct. 2009.
Adj. welding, pressure, processing
Joint tracking systems increase the robustness of hybrid welding to joint placement, and are already used in some industrial applications. Vision-based tracking sensors can also relay details of joint fit-up in real time to the welding equipment, enabling adaptive control of the process. (W 77) (1)
Welding equipment = Equipamento de solda
For pressure equipment containing products that do not exhibit any degradation mechanisms, a Risk Based Inspection (RBI) assessment may determine that conditions are expected to be stable and benign for the foreseeable future. (W 111) (2)
Pressure equipment = Equipamentos de pressão
The company recently identified a need to improve the reproducibility of the production of a range of polypropylene tanks used to contain liquids in photographic processing equipment, and so called on the expertise of TWI to help. (Welding 474) (3)
Processing equipment = Equipamentos de processamento
(1) Adaptively controlled hybrid welding using a high brightness laser
C M Allen, G Shi and P A Hilton
Paper presented at International conference on power beam processing technologies (ICPBPT2010) Oct. 25-29, 2010 Beijing, China.
(2) Extending the internal examination intervals for pressure vessels using an RBI approach
Philippa Moore and John Wintle
Paper presented at 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Sustainable Energy for the Third Millennium, Prague, Czech Republic, 26-30 July 2009.
(3) Plastics joining at the speed of light
Case Study
www.twi-global.com/news-events/case-studies/plastics-joining-at-the-speed-of-light-452/ – 2014-05-06
Adj. (non) destructive, fatigue, terrain
TWI has completed a three-year EU funded project on the development and validation of a non-destructive evaluation (NDE) system for testing welded joints in plastics pipes in response to the lack of commercially available equipment for inspecting these welds. The research will lead to a longer average service life of plastics pipe systems and lower leakage rates, resulting in reduced risk of serious accidents and pollution, which in turn will bring significant economic benefits, as more widespread use of these materials occurs. It will also make it easier for plastic pipes to replace metals in safety critical applications, such as nuclear power stations. (Welding 502) (1)
Non-destructive evaluation = Avaliação não-destrutiva
This paper presents a review of methods and corresponding Codes and Standards for the fatigue assessment of welded aluminium alloy structures. Methods for the fatigue evaluation of welded aluminium structures are assessed from the viewpoints of original design and estimation of the residual life of existing structures. (W 341) (2)
Fatigue evaluation = Avaliação de fadiga
Due to the large expenditures associated with laying new land pipelines, vigorous efforts [1] are being made to identify measures for reducing costs. Opportunities for cost saving may be available in several areas, including terrain evaluation, pipeline design, material properties, procurement of material and services, construction and operation. (W 365) (3)
Terrain evaluation = Avaliação de terreno
(1) TestPEP project success provides a method of inspecting welded joints in plastic pipes
Case Study
www.twi-global.com/news-events/case-studies/testpep-project-welded-joints-in-plastic-pipes-530/- 2015-06-19.
(2) Review of fatigue assessment procedures for welded aluminium structures
S J Maddox, TWI Ltd
Paper published in International Journal of Fatigue, Paper JIJF1005. vol. 25, no. 12, December 2003, pp.1359-1378 -available here.
(3) A new technique for girth welds in land pipelines: hybrid laser-arc welding
G S Booth, 1* D S Howse 1 and R D Howard 2
2BP Exploration
Paper presented at Second International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing 2003, Munich, June 2003.
Adj. welding, fsw, laser-cutting
Results of initial TIG welding experiments by varying the welding current and by keeping the other welding parameters constant showed that the weld width and depth increased with increasing the welding current. A corresponding decrease in the weld height was also observed. (W 81) (1)
Welding experiments = Experimentos de soldagem
..The behaviour of material round the FSW tool is becoming clearer to welding engineers as a variation of tools and materials are being utilised for FSW experiments. There is increasing evidence from unpublished results at TWI that the sticking condition is related to the tool profile, traversing speed and rotational speed. It is therefore difficult to make universal assumptions for the material behaviour in the FSW process. (W 35) (2)
FSW experiments = Experiemntos FSW
The first gas assisted laser-cutting experiments – although laser materials processing is still often regarded as a ‘new’ technology, it might come as a surprise to some, to learn that the first gas assisted laser cutting was performed as long ago as May 1967. These first experiments probably mark the start of laser materials processing as we know it today. (W 181) (3)
Laser-cutting experiments = Experimentos de corte a laser
(1) CRA Weld Overlay – Influence of welding process and parameters on dilution and corrosion resistance
Paper presented at Stainless Steel World America 2010, Houston, Texas, USA, 5-7 October 2010.
V Kumar, C Lee, G Verhaeghe, S Raghunathan,
TWI Limited, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom.
(2) Numerical investigations of friction stir welding of high temperature materials
A. Elbanhawy, E. Chevallier, K. Domin
TWI Ltd, Structural Integrity Technology Group
Presenter: Dr Amr Elbanhawy, Project Leader at TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
NAFEMS world congress, Salzburg, Austria, 9-12 June 2013.
(3) The early days of laser cutting
P A Hilton
11th Nordic Conference in Laser Processing of Materials, Lappeenranta, Finland, August 20-22, 2007.
Adj. crack, life, electrode
BS 7448-4 ‘Fracture mechanics toughness tests – Part 4: method for determination of fracture resistance curves and initiation values for stable crack extension in metallic materials’. British Standards Institution, 1997. (W 17) (1)
Crack extension = Extensão da rachadura
Since the condensate flash vessel contains design features that are typical for many pressure vessels it enables a comparison of the fatigue lives for different features to be made.
There is an increasing need to justify life extension beyond the specified design life of pressure vessels designed to older codes and standards within process plant on offshore installations. (W 23) (2)
Life extension = Extensão da vida útil
In most cases of overlaying, it is necessary to control the dilution within close limits as an uneven chemistry can reduce the service life. There are a number of variables which affect dilution such as the welding current, the arc voltage, current polarity, electrode diameter, electrode extension, weld-bead separation, welding speed, electrode grinding angle, welding position, shielding gas composition, etc. (W 81) (3)
Electrode extension = Extensão do eletrodo
(1) The Effect of Notch Sharpness on the Fracture Toughness Determined from SENT Specimens
Philippa Moore
TWI Ltd, Granta Park Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Paper presented at Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2014 June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, California, USA.
(2) Comparison of Approaches to Design Fatigue Assessment With Reference to a Pressure Vessel Designed to an Old Standard
J B Wintle, E Soileux, E Hutchison
TWI Ltd,
Cambridge, UK
Proc of European Symposium on Pressure Equipment (ESOPE) 2013, 8-10 October, Paris, France.
(3) CRA Weld Overlay – Influence of welding process and parameters on dilution and corrosion resistance
Paper presented at Stainless Steel World America 2010, Houston, Texas, USA, 5-7 October 2010.
V Kumar, C Lee, G Verhaeghe, S Raghunathan,
TWI Limited, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom.