Adj. software, BGA, spreadsheet
The Scheil-Gulliver solidification module, within the software package, was used to calculate the solidification mode. Solidification range was determined within the Scheil-Gulliver module, assuming equilibrium conditions. (W 18) (1)
Software package = Pacote de software
In this study, an analytical model to obtain a closed-form solution for thermomechanical behaviours of BGA (Ball Grid Array) package was derived and experimentally verified. In the theoretical analysis, the BGA package was represented with a three-layer axisymmetrical model: two dissimilar materials jointed by a graded interlayer. (W 139) (2)
BGA package = Pacote BGA
By using a spreadsheet package such as Microsoft® Excel a weld data sheet can be created quickly, the set uptime is fairly small and the initial cost outlay is minimal as most working environments will currently already use a spreadsheet package. (W 231) (3)
Spreadsheet package = Pacote de planilha
(1) Fusion Zone Microstructure Associated With Embrittlement Of Subsea Dissimilar Joints
M. F. Dodge, H. B. Dong
Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
M. F. Gittos, T. Mobberley
TWI Ltd. Great Abington, Cambridge, UK
Presented at Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2014 June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA.
(2) Thermal stresses measurement of solder joints in BGA packages: theoretical and experimental
H X Shang, J X Gao and P I Nicholson
Paper presented at 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, November 2-6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Paper no. IMECE2008-66417.
(3) Taking fabrication management into the 21st century
Mark Chinery and James Strachan
Paper presented at 15th International Conference, ‘Computer technology in welding and manufacturing’, 6-8 June 2006, Kiev, Ukraine.
Adj. welding, constraint, spraying
The welding parameters and electrode sizes were based on the work carried out on cold weld repairs of C-Mn steels… which in turn used Alberry’s refinement criterion… (W 51) (1)
Welding parameter = Parâmetro de soldagem
The present paper focuses on the effect of constraint on the R-curve using constraint parameters (T-stress, Q-stress, A2). (W 113) (2)
Constraint parameter = Parâmetro de limitação
A significant improvement to the corrosion resistance of HVOF sprayed coatings has been achieved by spraying parameter optimisation and investigation of powder size and distribution. (W 489) (3)
Spraying parameter = Parâmetro de pulverização
(1) Investigation Of Weld Repair Without Post-Weld Heat Treatment For P91
M Consonni, D J Abson, TWI Ltd
Presented at 10th International EPRI Conference on Welding and Repair Technology for Power Plants. Marco Island, Florida, USA. 26-29 June 2012.
(2) R-Curve Modelling with Constraint Effect
D.W. Zhou, W.G. Xu, S.D. Smith
Structural Integrity Technology Group, TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Paper presented at 12th International Conference on Fracture, July 12 – 17, 2009, Ottawa, Canada.
This paper is dedicated in memoriam to Dr. W.G. Xu who passed away from cancer in 2008.
(3) Development of corrosion resistant coatings by HVOF spraying
M D F Harvey (TWI, UK), O Lunder (Sintef Materials Technology, Norway) and R Henriksen (Bandak AS, Norway).
Paper presented at International Thermal Spraying Conference, Montreal, Canada, 8-11 May 2000.
Adj. powder, inter-metallic, hard-phase
The measured level of oxygen content in the powder particles was very low at about 0.01 wt% as shown in Table 4. (W 309) (1)
Powder particle = Partícula em pó
There was no clear evidence of alloy depleted regions adjacent to inter-metallic particles, with scans at right angles from either ferrite or austenite into the intermetallic. (W 515) (2)
Inter-metallic particle = Partícula intermetálica
Vacuum fusion was found to have a significant effect on the coating microstructure, by increasing the type and concentration of hard-phase particles. (W 420) (3)
Hard-phase particle = Partícula de alto nível
(1) Corrosion behavior of an HVOF-sprayed Fe3 Al coating in a high-temperature oxidizing/sulfidizing environment
B. S. Covino, Jr.
S. J. Bullard
S. D. Cramer
G. R. Holcomb
M. Ziomek-Moroz
U.S. Department of Energy, Albany Research Center, US
D; Harvey
TWI Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Paper presented at EPRI/DOE Fourth international conference on advances in materials technology for fossil fuel power plants. Hilton Head Island, S Carolina. 26-28 October 2004.
(2) Effect of intermetallic content on pitting resistance of ferritic-austenitic stainless steels
Presented at ‘Stainless Steel ’99 Science and Market’, 3rd European Congress, Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy, 6-9 June 1999
By: B J Ginn and T G Gooch
TWI Granta Park, Abington Cambridge CB1 6AL, UK.
(3) The corrosion behaviour of high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) sprayed Ni-Cr-Si-B coatings
S Shrestha and A Sturgeon, Cambridge, UK; T Hodgkiess, Glasgow, UK; A Neville, Edinburgh, UK
Paper 95 presented at ITSC 2002 International Thermal Spray Conference, 4-6 March 2002, Essen, Germany.
Adj. full, deep, weld
Without plume dispersion, stable full penetration was not achieved in 8mm thickness plate in the autogenous melt run trials. Penetration was unstable, producing a ‘stitching’ weld root. (W 77) (1)
Full penetration = Penetração total
Hybrid laser-arc welding, originally proposed in the 1970s, but more recently of renewed interest, combines deep penetration keyhole laser welding with an arc welding process in a single process zone. (W 206) (2)
Deep penetration = Penetração profunda
For in-process monitoring of laser welding, most current techniques employ a variety of sensors to monitor electromagnetic signals from the molten pool during welding, with the objective of correlating the output from the sensor to features such as weld penetration, weld pores, and the weld shape. (W 131) (3)
Weld penetration = Penetração de solda
(1) Adaptively controlled hybrid welding using a high brightness laser
C M Allen, G Shi and P A Hilton
Paper presented at International conference on power beam processing technologies (ICPBPT2010) Oct. 25-29, 2010 Beijing, China.
(2) Hybrid laser-MAG welding procedures and weld properties in 4mm, 6mm and 8mm thickness C-Mn steels
C M Allen 1 , C H J Gerritsen 2 , Y Zhang 1 , J Mawella 3
1 TWI Ltd., Granta Park, Gt. Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom.
2 Formerly at TWI Ltd., now at OCAS NV (Arcelor), Industry Research Centre, Arcelor Innovation – R&Dmp;D, OCAS NV, John Kennedylaan 3, 9060 Zelzate, Belgium.
3 Defence Procurement Agency, Ministry of Defence, Abbeywood, Bristol BS34 8JH, United Kingdom.
Paper presented at the IIW Commission IV / XII, Intermediate Meeting, Vigo, Spain, 11 – 13 April 2007.
(3) The importance of welding quality in ship construction
P.L. Moore
Paper presented at Analysis and design of Marine Structures 2nd International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2009) March 16- 18, 2009 Lisbon, Portugal.
Adj. fatigue, welding, creep
Although it is unquestionable that weld root bead profile has a significant influence on the fatigue performance of girth welds, other factors may also play a part. (W 48) (1)
Fatigue performance = Desempenho de fadiga
A unique experiment carried out at TWI a few years ago compared the welding performance of a number of fibre-delivered lasers with beam qualities ranging between 4 and 23mm.mrad. (W 140) (2)
Welding performance = Desempenho de soldagem
The article discusses an investigation of the creep performance of advanced high alloy steel welds. (W 22) (3)
Creep performance = Desempenho de fluência
(1) Fatigue testing of full-scale girth welded pipes under variable amplitude loading
Yan-Hui Zhang and Stephen J Maddox,
TWI Limited, Cambridge, UK
Paper presented at OMAE 2012 31st Annual Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 1-6 July 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Paper No.83054.
(2) An assessment of the welding performance of high-brightness lasers and a comparison with in-vacuum electron beams
Geert Verhaeghe and Bruce Dance
Paper presented at ICALEO 2008, 27th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics, Pechanga Resort & Casino Temecula, CA, USA. 20-23 October 2008. Paper no. 710.
(3) Review of type IV cracking of weldments in 9– 12%Cr creep strength enhanced ferritic steels.
D. J. Abson and J. S. Rothwell*
International Materials Reviews, November 2013, 58(8), 437-473.
Adj. focal, symmetry, crack
A linear stage with micrometer adjustment was utilised to adjust the focal plane of the work-piece. Unless stated otherwise, the minimum beam waist was positioned on the top surface of the work-piece. All processing was performed at 200W (requested laser power). (W 85) (1)
Focal plane = Plano focal
The symmetry boundary condition was imposed on the left most edge of the package and all the displacement components at the bottom left-corner node of the symmetry plane were constrained to prevent rigid body motion. (W 139) (2)
Symmetry plane = Plano de simetria
…The crack was identified by assigning boundary conditions to the remaining ligament at the crack plane, the plane of symmetry. The material used in this study is A533B ferritic steel for which material models at room and low (-170°C) temperature were available from previous research. (W 183) (3)
Crack plane = Plano de trinca
(1) The generation of autogeneous surface features using a low power laser beam
Jonathan Blackburn1,2, Paul Hilton1
1TWI Ltd
2Laser Processing Research Centre, The University of Manchester
Paper presented at 2010 ICALEO Proceedings Anaheim, CA, USA, 26 – 30 Sept. 2010, Paper 1704.
(2) Thermal stresses measurement of solder joints in BGA packages: theoretical and experimental
H X Shang, J X Gao and P I Nicholson
Paper presented at 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, November 2-6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Paper no. IMECE2008-66417.
(3) Comparison of methods for predicting the influence of residual stresses on brittle fracture
Ali Mirzaee Sisan 1 , Saeid Hadidi-Moud 2 and David John Smith 2
1 TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK
2 Bristol University, Bristol, UK
Paper presented at International Conference on Pressure Vessels and Piping PVP2007/CREEP 8 Conference, July 22-26, 2007, San Antonio, USA. Paper PVP200726712.
Adj. welding, dissimilar, (semi) crystalline
The use of lasers for welding plastics was demonstrated in the early 1970s. However, it was not until late in the 1990’s that production applications started to be considered widely. (W 222) (1)
Welding plastic = Plástico de solda
Laser welding has the same limitations as other plastics welding techniques for joining dissimilar plastics, and a compatibility table is provided. The paper concludes with two case studies of successful through-transmission laser welding development projects carried out by TWI. (W 243) (2)
Dissimilar plastic = Plástico dissimilar
Ultrasonic welding – this process uses ultrasonic energy at a frequency of 20-40KHz. The heating effect is dependent on the crystalline structure of the material being welded. Amorphous plastics readily transmit the ultrasonic energy due to their higher modulus of elasticity compared with typical semi-crystalline plastics. This means that a weld can be made through a greater thickness of amorphous plastic, and using less energy than is required with typical semi-crystalline materials. (W 298) (3)
Semi-crystalline plastic = Plástico semi-cristalino
(1) Innovation in materials joining technologies
Authors: Sue Dunkerton 1 and Jon Simpson 2
1 TWI Ltd., Granta Park, Gt Abington, Cambridge, CB1 6AL, UK
2 TWI Training & Certification (S.E.Asia) Sdn. Bhd., No 8 Jalan TSB 10, Sg. Buloh Industrial Park, 4700 Sg Buloh Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Paper presented at IMTCE 2006, 17-20 July 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(2) Application studies using through-transmission laser welding of polymers
Marcus Warwick and Marcus Gordon
TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge, CB1 6AL, UK
Paper presented at Joining Plastics 2006, London, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), 25-26 April 2006.
(3) A review of plastic welding processes
I A Jones
Published in Medical Device Technology, 1, March 2005.
Adj. (stainless) steel, hot, base
The flaw had been present in the steel plate prior to being welded when the tank was originally built. (W 197) (1)
Steel plate = Chapa de aço
The welding sequence begins when the hot plate, at a preset temperature, is positioned between the two pipe ends. (W 232) (2)
Hot plate = Placa de aquecimento / aquecida
Close fit-up between the stiffeners and the base plate was maintained during tack welding using the pneumatic bridging clamps. (W 189) (3)
Base plate = Placa de base
(1) Evaluation of CrackFirst TM fatigue sensors
Yan H Zhang*, Peter J Tubby*, Chris Allen*, and Jagath Mawella**
* TWI Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AL, UK
** Defence Equipment and Support, Ministry of Defence, Abbeywood, Bristol BS34 8JH, UK
Paper presented at 2007 CF/DRDC International Defence Applications of Materials meeting, Halifax, Canada, 5-7 June 2007.
(2) Welding and testing of thermoplastics tanks and pipes
Mike Troughton BSc PhD CPhys MinstP
Paper presented at Non-metallic pressure equipment seminar, 5 June 2006, London, I Mech E.
(3) Laser and hybrid laser-MAG welding of steel structures for shipbuilding
Steve Shi and David Howse
Laser & Sheet Processes Group, TWI Ltd
Paper presented at 2007 International Forum on Welding Technologies in Shipping Industry held in Shanghai on 16-18 June 2007.
Adj. melting, impingement, transition
FSW is conducted below the melting point by pressing a rotating tool into the joint line. (W 216) (1)
Melting point = Ponto de fusão
A plume suppression gas jet (argon) was angled at 40° to the surface of the work-piece, trailing the laser beam, with an impingement point 1mm above the laser beam focus. (W 188) (2)
Impingement point = Ponto de impacto
Either way for the purpose of this analysis an assumption of a transition point is conservative in terms of life assessment at long terms. (W 30) (3)
Transition point = Ponto de transição
(1) Friction stir technology – recent developments in process variants and applications
D G Staines, W M Thomas, S W Kallee and P J Oakley
Paper presented at Conference in Montreal, COM 2006, Sheraton Centre Hotel, October 1-4 2006.
(2) In-process weld quality monitoring of laser and hybrid laser-arc fillet welds in 6-12mm C-Mn steel.
G. Shi, P. Hilton and G. Verhaeghe
Paper presented at Proceedings of the Fourth International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing 2007 (LIM2007) , Munich, 18 – 22 June 2007.
(3) Creep Crack Growth Prediction of Very Long Term P91 Steel Using Extrapolated Short-Term Uniaxial Creep Data.
S. Maleki
TWI Ltd.
A. Mehmanparast, K. M. Nikbin
Imperial College London
Paper presented at the 2013 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Paris, France, 14-18 July 2013.
Adj. weld, molten, melt
In adopting the Reduced Pressure Electron Beam (RPEB) process variant, when compared to traditional high-vacuum operation, problems of achieving adequate sealing on the component are much reduced and the effect of weld pool emissions and out-gassing of the component on the gun performance are eliminated. (W 72) (1)
Weld pool = Poço de solda
It was claimed that the ability of the flux to wet the surface of the molten pool had an effect on the suitability and that the composition could be altered to modify the surface tension and produce better wetting. (W 129) (2)
Molten pool = Poço fundido
The weld cross section was identified for each pass so that the heat input method could be developed to represent the actual melt pool conditions of the weld. (W 95) (3)
Melt pool = Poço de fusão
(1) EB welding of large components without a vacuum chamber
Chris Punshon and Allan Sanderson
TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Beam Technology, Halle, Germany, 17-19 April 2007.
(2) Investigation of the A-TIG mechanism and the productivity benefits in TIG welding
V Kumara, Bill Lucasa, D Howsea, G Meltona, S Raghunathan a and Louriel Vilarinhob
aTWI Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
bFederal University of Uberlandia, Brazil
Paper presented at 15th International Conference on the Joining of Materials (JOM 15) and 6th International Conference on Education in Welding (ICEW 6) Helsingor, Denmark, 3-6 May 2009.
(3) Intensive validation of computer prediction of welding residual stresses in a multi-pass butt weld
Weijing He, Liwu Wei and Simon Smith
TWI Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Paper presented at 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2010), Shanghai, China, 6-11 June 2010.
Adj. welding, focal, mid-bead
…Stress concentration depends on the local weld geometry which in turn depends on such factors as the welding process, the welding position and the type and extent of any welding flaws. (W 16) (1)
Welding position = Posição de soldagem
Laser cutting trials for a given laser power, gas pressure and cutting speed, were performed by traversing the laser beam across the tube in a straight line, while maintaining the focal position along the centre of the tube.(W 84) (2)
Focal position = Posição focal
Whilst individual swirls showed broadly comparable features, each was relatively unique due to slight variations in geometry, dissolution and chemistry. In comparison, the mid-bead position of the interface was quite reproducible. (W 130) (3)
Mid-bead position = Posição mediana
(1) Estimating long-endurance fatigue strength of girth-welded pipes using local stress approach
Yanhui Zhang and Steve J Maddox
TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK
Paper presented at Proceedings 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2014) June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, USA.
(2) Yb-Fibre laser single sided tube cutting for nuclear decommissioning applications
Ali Khan, Paul Hilton
Paper presented at 2010 ICALEO Proceedings Anaheim, CA, USA, 26 – 30 Sept. 2010, Paper 707.
(3) Subsea dissimilar joints: failure mechanisms and opportunities for mitigation
V C M Beaugrand, L S Smith and M F Gittos
Granta Park
Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Paper presented at Corrosion 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 22-26 March 2009. Paper #09305.
Adj. distortion, accurate, failure
OPTWELD (Real-time virtual prototyping tools for OPTimising WELDed products) is a UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB) initiative to develop software for faster distortion prediction and fatigue life calculation. Hot-spot stress-based fatigue life prediction is used in the OPTWELD project. (W 88) (1)
Distortion prediction = Previsão de distorção
The FEA predicted CTOD using the same method as the experiment (i.e. measurement of the crack mouth opening and extrapolation to the crack tip) gave an accurate prediction of the experimental CTOD values. (W 185) (2)
Accurate prediction = Previsão precisa
Failure predictions were promising especially with regard to the validation of calibrated Weibull parameters for various configurations of geometry and crack for the same material. (W 183) (3)
Failure prediction = Previsão de falha
(1) Fatigue life prediction in welded structures
Dr. Rajil Saraswat and Dr. Daowu Zhou
Robert Uings
Roger O’ Brien
ThyssenKrupp Tallent Ltd, UK
Paper presented at NAFEMS 2010, Oxford, UK. 8-9 June 2010.
(2) Modelling and measurements for the assessment of a full scale pipe bend test
Simon D Smith 1 , Henryk G Pisarski 1 and Cosmas Vlattas 2
1 TWI Ltd, Cambridge UK
2 Saipem UK Ltd, Surrey UK
Paper presented at ISOPE 2007, Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, 1-7 July 2007.
(3) Comparison of methods for predicting the influence of residual stresses on brittle fractureAli Mirzaee Sisan 1 , Saeid Hadidi-Moud 2 and David John Smith 2
1 TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK
2 Bristol University, Bristol, UK
Paper presented at International Conference on Pressure Vessels and Piping PVP2007/CREEP 8 Conference, July 22-26, 2007, San Antonio, USA. Paper PVP200726712.
Adj. surface, joint, edge
The Hydrosteel™ is a non-invasive hydrogen patch probe that requires little or no surface preparation. It is commonly used for corrosion monitoring often at relatively low temperatures, but can be used at elevated temperatures. (W 62) (1)
Surface preparation = Preparação da superfície
Experiments consisted of gas shielded autogenous melt run and butt welding trials, at 0.9-2.2m/min, using laser focus positions between -4mm (4mm below plate surface) and +4mm. These trials determined a suitable joint preparation and welding speed for the hybrid trials that followed. (W 77) (2)
Joint preparation = Preparação conjunta
The requirements for precise work-piece fit-up and accurate alignment of a laser beam with the resulting joint line, pre-requisites for high quality welds, continue to act as one of the barriers to the wider take-up of laser welding. These requirements put restraints on welding fixtures and edge preparation methods, and lead to tolerances which can prove more difficult to meet in industrial practice. (W 68) (3)
Edge preparation = Preparação de borda
(1) Novel Control of Weld Metal Hydrogen Cracking in the Welding of Thick Steels
Joanna Nicholas and Richard Pargeter
TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL
Paper presented at the International Steel and Hydrogen Conference
28 September 2011.
(2) Adaptively controlled hybrid welding using a high brightness laser
C M Allen, G Shi and P A Hilton
Paper presented at International conference on power beam processing technologies (ICPBPT2010) Oct. 25-29, 2010 Beijing, China.
(3) Adaptively controlled high brightness laser-arc hybrid welding
Chris Allen, Steve Shi and Paul Hilton
TWI Ltd., Granta Park, Gt. Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, United Kingdom.
Paper published in ILAS Supplement to AILU magazine, Issue 63, July 2011.
Adj. gas, atmospheric, hydrostatic
Figure 3 shows the maximum cutting speed for a 155mm diameter tube with 1.5mm wall thickness, at various gas pressures and laser power settings. (W 84) (1)
Gas pressure = Pressão do gás
A compact, cheap, easily robotically automated, laser Surfi-Sculpt machine, being able to operate at atmospheric pressure may have potential in a range of industry sectors. (W 76) (2)
Atmospheric pressure = Pressão atmosférica
Void formation necessarily implies a free surface, and is also strongly influenced by the hydrostatic pressure and the mechanism of cavitation. (W 133) (3)
Hydrostatic pressure = Pressão hidrostática
(1) Yb-Fibre laser single sided tube cutting for nuclear decommissioning applications
Ali Khan, Paul Hilton
Paper presented at 2010 ICALEO Proceedings Anaheim, CA, USA, 26 – 30 Sept. 2010, Paper 707.
(2) Low Power Laser Surfi-Sculpt®
J.E. Blackburn and P.A. Hilton
Paper presented at International conference on power beam processing technologies (ICPBPT2010) Oct. 25-29, 2010 Beijing, China.
(3) Friction stir welding of aluminium alloys
P L Threadgill1, A J Leonard2, H R Shercliff3 and P J Withers*4
1TWI, Granta Park, Great Abington CB21 6AL, UK
2BP International, Compass Point, 79-87 Kingston Rd, Staines, Middx TW18 1DY, UK
3Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK
4School of Materials, University of Manchester, Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HS, UK
*Corresponding author, email
†Other terms have been used in the literature, namely ‘shear side’ and ‘flow side’, but these are ambiguous and have been discouraged.[4]
Paper presented at International Materials Reviews, vol.54. no.2. March 2009. pp. 49-93.
Adj. array, TRL, ultrasonic
The techniques made use of a 256 element two-dimensional array probe in order to generate a sound field insensitive to the strong echoes generated by the geometry of the threads such that the initiation of the cracking could be detected early. The performance of the inspection techniques was evaluated by sectioning the failed component. (W 25) (1)
Array probe = Sonda de matriz
Optimisation of the TRL probe – as introduced, current best practice is to use large TRL probes for the inspection of austenitic welds. Furthermore, phased array probes generate diffraction grating lobes if the element size is greater than half-wavelength. (W 135) (2)
TRL probe = Sonda TRL
In SAM inspection an ultrasonic probe is scanned above each component of interest. Water is used to provide the medium whereby ultrasonic waves can be transmitted from the probe into the component under inspection. Claims have been made that commercially available SAMs can be modified easily for in-line inspection. (W 180) (3)
Ultrasonic probe = Sonda ultra-sônica
(1) Monitoring fatigue crack growth in subsea threaded components using ultrasonic phased array techniques
Channa Nageswaran, Alan Day and Kim Hayward (TWI Ltd)
TWI Member Publication. September 2013.
(2) Immersion Transmit-Receive Longitudinal phased array probe for stainless steel
Channa Nageswaran and Colin R Bird
Alison Whittle
Peak NDT Ltd
Unit 7, The Derwent Business Centre, Clarke Street, Derby, UK, DE1 2BU
01332 738 752
Paper published in Insight, vol.50. no.12. Dec. 2008. pp. 673 – 677.
(3) Development of a comprehensive in-line quality control system for printed circuit board assemblies
P I Nicholson and P Wallace
TWI Technology Centre (Wales)
Paper published in Circuit World, Issue 4, Volume 33, 2007.
Adj. weld, welding, reeling
Some of the original pipe material and welding consumables were still available, and a girth weld was made using the original weld procedure. (Welding 157) (1)
Weld procedure = Procedimento de solda
The first step when manufacturing a defective weld is to specify the type, quantities, location, orientation and size of the defects, as well as the joint design and the welding procedure. (W 61) (2)
Welding procedure = Procedimento de soldagem
The flaw assessment procedure developed, referred to hereafter as the reeling procedure, is based on BS 7910 but with adjustments to make it suitable for plastic straining conditions. (W 149) (3)
Reeling procedure = Procedimento carretel/enrolamento
(1) Defect assessment saves repair
Case Study – 2014-05-06.
(2) Manufacturing of welded joints with realistic defects
Marcello Consonni Author, Chen Fun Wee Coauthor and Charles Schneider Coauthor
Paper presented at NDT 2011 – 50th annual conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, 13-15 Sept. 2011. Telford, UK.
(3) Overview of recent welding-related pipeline technology advances at TWI
Edited by Christoph Wiesner
Paper presented at International Symposium of Prof Masao Toyoda’s retirement from Osaka University: ‘From Welding and Fracture Mechanics to Pipeline Technology’ – 29 June 2008.
Adj. welding, hybrid, laser
FSW is classified as a solid state welding process even though there is significant material movement near the tool. (W 35) (1)
Welding process = Processo de soldagem
The hybrid process offers the benefits of the separate processes, and overcomes some of their respective drawbacks, such as the lower tolerance to joint fit up of laser welding, or the higher heat input of arc welding, which increases distortion and subsequent re-work costs. (W 138) (2)
Hybrid process = Processo híbrido
The laser process also offers the possibility of automation in what is largely a manual labour-based industry sector. (W 410) (3)
Laser process = Processo a laser
(1) Numerical investigations of friction stir welding of high temperature materials.
A. Elbanhawy, E. Chevallier, K. Domin
TWI Ltd, Structural Integrity Technology Group
Presenter: Dr Amr Elbanhawy, Project Leader at TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
NAFEMS world congress, Salzburg, Austria, 9-12 June 2013.
(2) Hybrid laser-MAG welding procedures and weld properties in 4mm, 6mm and 8mm thickness C-Mn steels.
C M Allen 1 , C H J Gerritsen 2 , Y Zhang 1 , J Mawella 3
1 TWI Ltd., Granta Park, Gt. Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, United Kingdom.
2 Formerly at TWI Ltd., now at OCAS NV (Arcelor), Industry Research Centre, Arcelor Innovation – R&Dmp;D, OCAS NV, John Kennedylaan 3, 9060 Zelzate, Belgium.
3 Defence Procurement Agency, Ministry of Defence, Abbeywood, Bristol BS34 8JH, United Kingdom.
Paper presented at the IIW Commission IV / XII, Intermediate Meeting, Vigo, Spain, 11 – 13 April 2007
(3) Transmission Laser Welding of Plastics
P A Hilton*, I A Jones* and Y Kennish**
*TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK
**Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, UK
Paper presented at International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP 2002), May 2002
Adj. laser, signal, image
It is well known that, during laser processing, the absorptivity of the work-piece is dependent upon the wavelength of the incident laser radiation and the temperature of the work-piece. (W 85) (1)
Laser processing = Processamento a laser
Wavelet transforms have been used in the field of signal processing due to their ability to provide signal information in both the time and frequency domains. There are different functions or waves that can be used for wavelet transformation known as mother wavelets. (W 4) (2)
Signal processing = Processamemnto de sinal
Depending on the viewing angle, adjacent balls may not appear separated sufficiently well in the image or even overlap. Up to a certain degree, it is possible to separate those balls by image processing. (W 217) (3)
Image processing = Processamento de imagem
(1) The generation of autogeneous surface features using a low power laser beam
Jonathan Blackburn1,2, Paul Hilton1
1TWI Ltd
2Laser Processing Research Centre, The University of Manchester
Paper presented at 2010 ICALEO Proceedings Anaheim, CA, USA, 26 – 30 Sept. 2010, Paper 1704.
(2) Characterization of high power electron beams using a two-slit probe and Wavelet transforms
Aman Kaur
TWI and Brunel University
Colin Ribton
TWI Ltd, Granta Park Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Professor W. Balachandaran
Brunel University
Paper presented at Intelligent Signal Processing Conference. ISP 2015, 1-2 December 2015, London, UK.
(3) Development of an in-line X-ray system for automated inspection of defects in PCB assemblies containing BGAs
P. Ian Nicholson, Daniel Mitchard, Carl Forrest and Philip Wallace
Thomas Bantel, Dirk A. Neumayer
Fraunhofer -Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung
Ian Haig
X-Tek Ltd
Paper presented at BINDT 2006 Conference, 12-14 September 2006, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.
Adj. high, increased, improved
The flux-cored wire welding procedure may be preferable for on-site fabrications and repairs due to ease of use and high productivity, but the weld metal in this study suffered from poor upper-shelf toughness in particular. (W 118) (1)
High productivity = Alta produtividade
Hybrid laser-arc welding processes, in which a laser and an arc are combined in the same process zone, can offer a number of benefits over autogenous laser welding, including increased productivity and a tolerance to fit-up comparable with arc welding. (W 228) (2)
Increased productivity = Aumento da produtividade
Whilst the underlying principles of preferential weld corrosion are broadly understood, small changes in weld metal chemistry and hardness may be significant, and it is essential that the behaviour of joints produced by improved productivity or new processes are characterised. Particular examples of potential relevance to the marine industry are laser and laser-arc hybrid welding of steels, underwater repairs and friction stir welding of aluminium alloys. (W 371) (3)
Improved productivity = Produtividade melhorada
(1) Performance of weldments in advanced 9%Cr steel – ‘FB2’
John Rothwell and David Abson
Paper presented at WELDS 2009: Design, testing, assessement and safety of high-temperature welded structures. Fort Myers, FL. USA. 24-26 June 2009.
(2) Hybrid Nd:YAG Laser-AC MIG welding of thin section automotive aluminium alloy
C M Allen
TWI Ltd., Granta Park, Gt. Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AL, United Kingdom.
Paper presented at Eurojoin 6, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 28 – 30 June, 2006.
(3) Corrosion of Welded Components in Marine Environments
Stuart Bond
MICorr, NACE Senior Corrosion Technologist, TWI
Prepared for: Prevention and Management of Marine Corrosion, London, 2-3 April 2003. Lloyds List Events.
Adj. weld, beam, energy
One or more fixed changes in the welding conditions were then tried, to improve the weld profile along joints with mismatch or gap, including reducing the welding speed…. (W 46) (1)
Weld Profile = Perfil de solda
….It is known that beam profile for the disc laser moves to something much more Gaussian in shape only a few mm away from the smallest waist position. (W 116) (2)
Beam profile = Perfil de feixe
For the disc laser with its fibre beam delivery system, the minimum focused spot will be an image of the fibre end and will therefore have a top hat distribution in its energy profile, in contrast to the more Gaussian type of profile found for the focused CO2 laser beam. (W 116) (3)
Energy profile = Perfil de energia
(1) Increasing the tolerance to fit-up gap using hybrid laser-arc welding and adaptive control of welding parameters
C M Allen, P A Hilton and J Blackburn
TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Gt. Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, United Kingdom
Copyright © TWI Ltd 2012
Paper presented at 37th International MATADOR Conference, Manchester, England, 25-27 July 2012.
The original publication is available at:
(2) Cutting Stainless Steel with Disc and CO2 Lasers
Paul Hilton
TWI Ltd, Granta Park Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Paper presented at Proceedings of LAMP2009 – the 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing.
(3) Cutting Stainless Steel with Disc and CO2 Lasers
Paul Hilton
TWI Ltd, Granta Park Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Paper presented at Proceedings of LAMP2009 – the 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing.
Adj. sponsored, joint-industry, exploratory
TWI is running a Group Sponsored Project to help carry out this work in order to revise BS 8571 for the next version. (W 26) (1)
Sponsored project = Projeto patrocinado
TWI has done a significant amount of work on the joining of magnesium over the past 3 years, including a joint-industry project on the joining of magnesium to steel and aluminum. (W 457) (2)
Joint-industry project = Projeto industrial conjunto
TWI conducted an exploratory project investigating the use of vibration analysis for condition monitoring of process piping. The project led to the development of an advanced standalone system, capable of monitoring the main line of a piping system for vibration-induced fatigue failure. (Welding 17) (3)
Exploratory project = Projeto exploratório
(1) Development of a British Standard single edge notch tension (SENT) test method (BS8571)
Henryk Pisarski, Philippa Moore, Emily Hutchison
Anthony Horn
Paper presented at the 6th International Pipeline Technology Conference (Rudi’s Pipeline Conference), 6-9 October 2013, Ostend, Belgium.
(2) Magnesium joining – process developments and future requirements
L Keith France and Richard Freeman
Presented at International Magnesium Association World Magnesium Conference 2001, Brussels, Belgium 20-22 May 2001.
(3) Vibration Monitoring and Risk Analysis System for Process Piping
Case Study
by Ángela Angulo…/vibration-monitoring-and-risk-analysis-system-for-process-piping-613/ – 2016-03-02
Adj. stiffness, short-term, intellectual
In order to understand the behaviour of guided waves in aircraft wiring, a modelling tool was used to simulate and predict the behaviour of guided wave characteristics in wires with respect to the stiffness property of the insulation. (W 144) (1)
Stiffness property = Propriedade de rigidez
The procedure used to determine critical flaw sizes for short-term joint integrity is to generate graphs of a relevant short-term property against log (flaw size). (W 3) (2)
Short-term (test) property = Resultados de testes de curta duração
TWI exploits its intellectual property daily through the selling of know-how and expertise to member companies world-wide and participation in various funded research projects. (W 424) (3)
Intellectual property = Propriedade intelectual
(1) Modelling of guided ultrasonic waves in aircraft wiring
Yousef Gharaibeh(1,2), Slim Soua(1), Septimonette Chan(1), Tat-Hean Gan(1), and Graham Edwards(1)
(1) TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK
(2) Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK
Paper presented at BINDT annual conference 2008, 15-18 September 2008, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK.
(2) Short-term And Long-term Mechanical Testing To Evaluate The Effect Of Flaws In Butt Fusion Joints In Polyethylene Pipes
Mike Troughton and Amir Khamsehnezhad
TWI Ltd, Granta Park Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AL, UK
Paper presented at the ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference, PVP2016, July 17-21, 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
(3) European-sponsored NDT Research at TWI Ltd
A Khalid
Paper published in Insight, vol.44, no.3, March 2002. pp.166 – 178.
Adj. cathodic, corrosion, galvanic
The protective mechanism offered by TSA to exposed steel in seawater is one of cathodic protection followed by calcareous deposit formation. (W 58) (1)
Cathodic protection = Proteção catódica
…Occasional failures have been observed, with the fracture path following both the austenitic microstructures immediately adjacent to the fusion line and the fusion line itself. The fracture mechanism is attributed to a reduction in toughness of the microstructure due to hydrogen stemming from the cathodic polarization of the structure for corrosion protection. (W 79) (2)
Corrosion protection = Proteção contra corrosão
For butt joints, for tailored blanks for instance ( Fig.3), the coating does not generally cause significant porosity, but the laser welding process does remove the coating from around the weld, leaving an area that may be susceptible to corrosion. However, the removal of coating from the weld is very localised (<2mm from the weld centre) and the surrounding coating can offer galvanic protection. (W 484) (3)
Galvanic protection = Proteção galvânica
(1) Improved Coatings for Extended Design Life of 22%Cr Duplex Stainless Steel in Marine Environments
S Paul,* C M Lee, M D F Harvey
TWI, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Paper presented at ITSC 2012 International Thermal Spray Conference, Houston USA, 21-24 May 2012, and published in Journal of Thermal Spray Technology.
(2) Assessment of dissimilar metal interfaces for sub-sea application under cathodic protection
M. Milititsky, M. F. Gittos, S. E. Smith and V. Marques
Paper presented at Materials Science & Technology 2010. Houston, Texas, USA, 17-21 October 2010.
(3) Laser welding automotive steel and aluminium
G Verhaeghe
Make It With LASERS TM Workshop, July 2000
Paper presented at meeting on ‘Lasers in the automotive and sheet metal industries’, TWI, Great Abington, UK on 13 July 2000.
Adj. working, system, sensor
The developed automated robotic scanner/manipulator and phased array ultrasonic testing technique is a working prototype that satisfies the requirements for nozzle inspection in the harsh and challenging environment of the nuclear plant. It can be mounted on a variety of nozzle diameters and nozzle-vessel configurations. (W 42) (1)
Working prototype = Protótipo funcional
The system prototype comprises a vibration signal sensor and an assessment module. A touch-screen interface allows the operator to enter the pipe and fluid details. Once the vibration data is acquired, the functions can be calculated either in real-time or using offline advanced data processing. (Welding 17) (2)
System prototype = Protótipo sistemático
The SafeHPower project developed a miniature AE sensor prototype for continuous monitoring and detection of fatigue cracks in Type IV fuel tanks for vehicles. The prototype comprises an AE sensor, control box and embedded software. The system was designed and developed with several features to enhance its suitability for installation in a vehicle. (W 6) (3)
Sensor prototype = Protótipo sensorial
(1) Development of an automated scanner and phased array ultrasonic testing technique for the inspection of nozzle welds in the nuclear industry
Dimosthenis Liaptsis, Dawei Yan and Ian Cooper
TWI NDT Validation Centre (Wales)
Vasilios Papadimitriou, Ioannis Roditis and Panagiotis Chatzakos
Innora Ltd-Innovation Robotics Automation
59 Ioanni Metaxa Str., 19400, Koropi, Athens, Greece
Paper presented at BINDT 2012 – 51st Annual Conference of the British Institute for Non-Destructive Testing, Daventry, UK. 11-13 September 2012.
(2) Vibration Monitoring and Risk Analysis System for Process Piping
Case Study
by Ángela Angulo…/vibration-monitoring-and-risk-analysis-system-for-process-piping-613/ – 2016-03-02.
(3) Robotic path planning for non-destructive testing through RoboNDT
Carmelo Mineo, Jonathan Riise and S Gareth Pierce
University of Strathclyde, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Glasgow, G1 1XW, UK.
Adj. laser, current, wave
Light captured with the band-pass filter – the amount of light captured by the camera also depends on the shutter time of the camera. The longer the exposure time, the more arc light will be captured. This does not affect how much laser light is captured provided the pulse width of the laser pulse remains less than the exposure time. (W 125) (1)
Laser pulse = Pulso de laser
Hot bar resistance welding – the hot bar process is an adaptation of resistance welding where the inherent electrical resistance of a molybdenum or tungsten tool causes it to heat up when a current pulse is passed through it. (W 260) (2)
Current pulse = Pulso de corrente
The quickest way to describe time reversal focussing is to imagine a wave pulse as a pack of cards. If the ordering of these cards is exactly reversed, we now have a pulse which is the time reversed version of the initial pulse. (W 177) (3)
Wave pulse = Pulso de onda
(1) Laser diode based vision system for viewing arc welding
Melton G, Schuhler C TWI Ltd
Houghton M University of Liverpool
Paper presented at Eurojoin 7, Venice Lido, Italy, 21-22 May 2009.
(2) Novel joining methods applicable to textiles and smart garments
I A Jones and R J Wise
Paper presented at Wearable Futures Conference, University of Wales, Newport, Wales, 14-16 September 2005.
(3) Modelling of time reversal focussing in straight pipes
C. Ennaceur* T. H Gan, R. Sanderson, P Mudge and B. Bridge
*Corresponding author
Paper presented at 4th International Conference of NDT (4th ICNDT) organised by the HSNDT, Chania, Crete, 11-14 October 2007.